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Management Tools specially designed for Small and Medium Enterprises

Management Tools specially designed for Small and Medium Enterprises

Management Tools specially designed for Small and Medium Enterprises

Optimizes the operating processes

It induces the company to the qualitative analysis of its processes and their improvement through its automation.


All operating and commercial circuits, in one system.

Powerful management tool

It contributes to the exponential growth of the company.

Implemented in multinational companies

Fully tested system in companies positioned in Latin America with many years of experience.


Low cost.


You only need a web browser to use it.

Permanent Support

A team of experts available to solve questions and specific needs of your company.

With ERPhere, you know and improve the control of your business, enabling high levels of growth.

This software is designed for small and medium businesses to connect and streamline your processes

ERPhere grows next to you

Take control of your business

ERPhere is a fabulous business management tool whose main characteristic is the integration of the information generated in each of the processes of an enterprise up to its exposure in the financial statements, automatically, in full and in real time.

How can a system grow your business?

Successful companies in the world have found that what is not measured is not controlled and consequently not improved.  We refer to the need for performance indicators by area or by activity. ERPhere has a specific module that allows you to insert KPIs indicators that reflect the results in real time and allow timely corrective decisions against deviations from plans.

Financial information in real time
Income and expenses for any reason are included in the company’s accounts at the time the respective processes are executed.

Management Reports
It is a modular system that allows the execution of simultaneous tasks whose records are stored, integrated and transformed into useful, complete and reliable information in real time.

Performance indicators
ERPhere, offers a series of performance indicators that are adapted to the needs of each company, in terms of its construction and definition of risk thresholds.

Increased investment of time in business development
ERPhere simplifies operating processes, drastically reducing the number of individual tasks, which translates into a greater availability of times to be used in higher value-added activities for the company.

Account and customer management

The acquisition of new customers is a challenge, usually its cost is quite high, therefore the importance of keeping customers highly satisfied, ensuring their loyalty and permanence to the degree of making it an essential part of the company as a benchmark 

ERPhere has a built-in CRM module that lets you know the critical path of each business relationship, from the first contact to the sale of a service or product.

Capture of potential customer primary data
Stores primary customer information (name, address, N° tax record, contact person, economic activity, and others).

Sequential record of care provided
For the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the business strategies, the suitability of the seller and other critical aspects, each and every activity carried out throughout the process of acquiring a customer is recorded, records that can also be backed up with documents, images or videos.

Stages of the negotiationimplificado
The module contains the stages through which you would ideally have to go through each negotiation, until you achieve the closure of the business, under the criterion of the funnel.

Management tools

It allows you to schedule meetings and receive reminders. A customer can be linked to a product category and more.

Marketing strategies
The information captured allows to know the customer, their needs and preferences, which in turn asserts the individual or collective marketing strategies.

Indicators and reports

The indicators indicate the direction in which a company is going, if that direction is not consistent with the plans the necessary adjustments should be made, in which case the critical factor is timing. That is why it is so important to have indicators, accurate and in real time.

The system has a battery of management and management reports, in simple formats, very well organized and interactive that allow traceability in case you need to know the origin of any particular data, thereby facilitating the analysis of the information and, consequently, the taking of appropriate decisions.

Reports and indicators are permanently available, their issuance does not require any prior data processing. Users have access to reports according to the permissions assigned.

Regulatory formats
The reports that require to be sent to regulatory bodies such as Taxes, Health Funds, Pension Funds, Ministry of Labor and others, are developed according to the country in which the company is located.

Management formats
The system brings standard management reports, however the versatility of the ERPhere system allows to generate information, according to the specific needs of each company. You can report in different formats (dashboard, tables, graphs, indexes) and under different data selection criteria.

Possibility of statistical analysis, sampling and other
The reports can be exported to electronic sheets thus allowing another type of analysis such as sampling, statistical predictions, determination of trends and others.

Inventory Control - purchases and sales

The processes of buying, selling and managing inventories are independent but closely related. This relationship of interdependence has been very well achieved in ERPhere, since it allows to know in real time, the sales and departures of warehouses, the purchases and the entrance to warehouses, transfers between warehouses, alerts in case of minimum stock.

An important aspect in inventory management is the determination of its costs, ERP here determines the value of inventories, considering the weighted average.

Supplier register
ERPhere, stores primary data from local and external providers. They are data that are captured only once and are updated throughout the business relationship with the company.

Such data is in principle very useful for the qualification of the supplier according to the quality of its products or services, prices, delivery times, guarantees, payment term and other factors determining its eligibility; and then, for the automatic recording of accounts payable.

Purchases and revenue
ERPhere records the entire purchasing process, from the generation of the Purchase Order, to the payment of the corresponding invoice.

Throughout the process, the system automatically generates the corresponding accounting entries, in a totally transparent way for users.

Valuation of inventories
Inventories are valued on the basis of the weighted average price, this calculation is automatic whenever there is a warehouse deposit.

Determination of minimum inventory levels

ERPhere allows to incorporate the minimum stock levels for each item. As soon as stocks fall below these levels, the system sends an alert notification to the responsible official.

Customer register

ERPhere, stores primary data from local and overseas customers. They are data that are captured only once and are updated throughout the business relationship with the company.

Such data is very useful because it allows you to know the customer in terms of their needs and preferences, essential information to design an effective marketing program.

Sales and departures

ERPhere records the entire sales process, from the generation of the Sales Order, to the collection of the corresponding invoice.

Throughout the process, the system automatically generates the corresponding accounting entries, in a totally transparent way for users.


The projects, are characterized by being particular developments or products, usually they are works of great magnitude, carried out by special order, for which a budget is allocated.

ERPhere allows the financial control of the execution of projects, by identifying the transactions linked to each project (purchase orders, request for funds, return of funds, inventory outflows and others).

At the end of a project, the system offers consolidated execution data, which allows to know its profitability.

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